Welcome to the Leaf SDK! Leaf is an opinionated wrapper around CRDT tools for building local-first apps!
Leaf is built around an Entity-Component data model designed to help you build inter-operable
If you are new to Leaf, first check out defComponent and then look at
Entity to get an idea of how things are put together.
Leaf is currently built on Loro as it's underlying CRDT, and
Entity.doc is in fact a LoroDoc, so reading the Loro documentation will be
necessary to understand how to fully interact with the Leaf entity data.
Welcome to the Leaf SDK! Leaf is an opinionated wrapper around CRDT tools for building local-first apps!
Leaf is built around an Entity-Component data model designed to help you build inter-operable apps.
If you are new to Leaf, first check out
and then look atEntity
to get an idea of how things are put together.Leaf is currently built on Loro as it's underlying CRDT, and Entity.doc is in fact a
, so reading the Loro documentation will be necessary to understand how to fully interact with the Leaf entity data.