Function defComponent

  • Define a new component type.

    All data in Leaf is made up of components. These components are meant to be small, re-usable, and semantically meaningful pieces of data, such as a Name, Image, or Description.

    Before you can use a component you must define it, which sets its unique ID, it's type, and it's initialization function.

    Here's an example of a Name component that requires a first name and optionally has a last name.

    export const Name = defComponent(
    LoroMap<{ first: string; last?: string }>,
    (map) => map.set("first", "")

    After defining a component you may use it with an Entity.

    Let's break it down piece-by-piece.

    Notice that we store the definition in a variable and we export it from the module. This allows us to use the same component definition throughout the codebase, and even in other projects that might depend on this module, if we are writing a library.

    This is not required, of course, but will often be useful in real projects.

    The unique ID makes sure that this component is distinguished from any other component that might exist. By using exported variables and unique IDs, we don't have to worry about conflicting names for different components.

    The next argument is the type we want to use for the component. This must be one of the ComponentTypes and should usually include extra type annotations describing the data that will go inside.

    In this example we say that Name is a LoroMap and we annotate the inner data as requiring a string first name and optionally having a string last name.

    Note that components must be a so called "container type", such as a map, array, rich text, etc. If you wish to store only one primitive value such as a string or number in a component, you can always store it in a map with one field.

    Finally, the last argument is an initialization function. When the component gets created it will be the empty, default value of whatever ComponentType that you specified.

    In this case, that means Name will start off as an empty map which, notably, does not match our type annotation of requiring a first name.

    Therefore it is important, when annotating your component type, that you also supply an initialization function to set any required fields so that your returned component will match your annotated type.

    In this case, we just initialize the first name to an empty string.

    Type Parameters


    • id: string

      The globally unique ID of the component type. Often this will include a ULID or UUID prefixed by a short human-readable name to assist in debugging.

    • constructor: ComponentConstructor<T>

      One of the ComponentTypes. This will be used to construct the component initially, in addition to the init function if provided.

    • init: (container: T) => void = ...

      An optional function that will be called to initialize the component when it is first added to an Entity. Since the constructor will initialize an empty version of whatever type you select, you must use this init function if you want to make sure that it has any of the initial data necessary to match your annotated type.

    Returns ComponentDef<T>

    A component definition that can be used to add, edit, and delete components on an Entity.