Interface ImportBlobMetadata

interface ImportBlobMetadata {
    changeNum: number;
    endTimestamp: number;
        | "outdated-snapshot"
        | "outdated-update"
        | "snapshot"
        | "shallow-snapshot"
        | "update";
    partialEndVersionVector: VersionVector;
    partialStartVersionVector: VersionVector;
    startFrontiers: OpId[];
    startTimestamp: number;


changeNum: number
endTimestamp: number
    | "outdated-snapshot"
    | "outdated-update"
    | "snapshot"
    | "shallow-snapshot"
    | "update"
partialEndVersionVector: VersionVector

The version vector of the end of the import.

Import blob includes all the ops from partial_start_vv to partial_end_vv. However, it does not constitute a complete version vector, as it only contains counters from peers included within the import blob.

partialStartVersionVector: VersionVector

The version vector of the start of the import.

Import blob includes all the ops from partial_start_vv to partial_end_vv. However, it does not constitute a complete version vector, as it only contains counters from peers included within the import blob.

startFrontiers: OpId[]
startTimestamp: number